
Donate Today!

Your donation will support MN DFL Candidates and expenses for our SD28 communications activities and events such as parades, meet and greets and more.


1. Donate Online Donate now

When using ActBlue, we need your address to comply with political donation requirements.  Please make sure you click the box to share your address with us. 


2. The Minnesota Political Contribution Refund Program

Have you heard of the Political Contribution Refund program?  Registered voters who contribute to a registered political party or state political candidate of your choice are eligible to apply for a refund of their contribution. Only monetary contributions, and not donations of goods or services, qualify for the refund. The maximum refund contributors may receive is $75 per person, or $150 for married couples per year. For more information on the program, visit the Minnesota Department of Revenue website.

1. Make your donation on-line or mail it in.
2. Our treasure will mail you a receipt and send you the PCR forms to fill out and send in to the address provided on the form. You will receive a check for the amount you donated within a couple of weeks.

3. Donate by Mail

To donate by check, make Payable to “DFL Senate District 28” and mail to our treasurer:

Todd Maki
44350 Government Rd
Harris, MN 55032

4. Donate through your tax form



(Click Image to enlarge)

5. Host a Fund-raising Event


Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.