Project 2025, learn more before voting

Chisago County Press Letter to the Editor

July 25, 2024

Project 2025, learn more before voting

To the editor:

We should not take for granted what the labor movement has achieved over time; a contract, the 40-hour work week, health insurance, grievance procedures and safety regulations on the job are but a few of what union workers have achieved for themselves and workers in general. The labor movement created the middle class.

 But there is a counter movement. It is called Project 2025. Its website lists goals designed to destroy the labor movement (as determined by the Heritage Foundation in their book called “Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise, 887 pages)”  There are over 80 conversative organizations ready to implement federal and state rules designed to destroy the gains the labor movement has made over the years. They plan to start on the first day of a conservative administration.

They start by eliminating agencies like the National Labor Relations Board, OSHA, and the EEOC. A conservative president, by executive order, would eliminate progress made on civil rights, discrimination, equity and inclusion. A conservative president guided by the principles of “Project 2025” would start bogus investigations of unions while putting unnecessary administrative burdens on them. Project 2025 would make it easier for employers to set up company unions in the private sector. All federal workers would be at-will or determined to be private contractors eliminated from union protections. Public sector unions would be declared illegal.

Currently interviews are taking place to hire an estimated 20,000 conservative operatives and political loyalists into acting or temporary positions to implement the goals of “Project 2025.” As temporary federal 180-day employees, these hires can do an end run around Congress.

Make sure you know how your congressperson stands on Project 2025. And when you vote, ask yourself this, what kind of life do you want for you and your family, what kind of world are we leaving to future generations?

Submitted by

Michael Madden

Minnesota Alliance for Retired Americans

Lindstrom, Minnesota