Let’s work together

Are you interested in volunteering with Chisago-Isanti DFL?
Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly!

We can't wait to hear from you!

Volunteer Sign-Up Form

Photo of Uncle Same, an older man with white beard, top hat and bow tie, pointing his finger at the viewer and the text Chisago-Isanti DFL wants you to Volunteer

Committee Descriptions

We are working to build a stronger DFL presence in the Chisago-Isanti area, but we need your help! We have several committees that need volunteers.

Below is a summary of each committee.   

Communications Committee

Our party’s success depends on DFLers spreading our message far and wide. The Communications Committee will maintain the Chisago-Isanti DFL website and social media accounts, develop and send emails, newsletters, etc. They will work closely with the other committees to define and document a communications plan and strategy that aligns with the goals and initiatives of the Chisago-Isanti DFL.  Activities include but are not limited to:

  • Write blog posts

  • Write and publish Letters to the Editor

  • Asset/content creation (artwork and/or graphic design)

  • Social Media content creation

  • Social Media management

  • Sign design and printing

  • Create messages for postcard writing events

  • Create coherent messaging and responses (Q and A) to be used at events 

  • Advertising and marketing for all Chisago-Isanti DFL committees

Fundraising Committee

The major responsibility of the Fundraising Committee is to plan fundraising events and activities that will help generate funds for the Chisago-Isanti DFL. The Fundraising Committee will also define the annual fundraising strategy, which is very important so that donors understand how their funds will be used. The strategy also helps “sell the vision” of the Chisago-Isanti DFL and give voters confidence in the people running the organization. The Fundraising Committee will work closely with the Chisago-Isanti DFL Treasurer. Activities include but are not limited to:

  • Develop a fundraising strategy 

  • Promote use of PCR donations (reminder postcards and other means)

  • Create fundraising ideas/campaigns

  • Work with Events Committee to plan fundraising events

Membership Building Committee

The membership building committee promotes outreach and inclusion to help grow our local unit.  Outreach refers to how we connect with people and invite them to be a part of the Chisago-Isanti DFL. Inclusion is making sure people feel welcome and useful when they get here. Activities include but are not limited to:

  • Work with Events Committee to plan fun events to get more people engaged

  • Organize a Speakers Bureau

  • Recruit volunteers

  • Contact voters (writing postcards, sending emails, door-knocking, phone banks)

  • Be a ‘greeter’ at events and help welcome new people to our unit

  • Help arrange for volunteer training as needed (Door Knocking)

Events Committee

This committee is responsible for identifying events Chisago-Isanti DFL should participate in, gathering information about dates, costs, rules, ensuring registration fees are paid, and organizing volunteers to help with the events. Activities include but are not limited to:  

  • Gathering information about event dates, costs, rules

  • Plan and carry out events 

  • Working with Treasurer to pay registration fees

  • Parade float/trailer design

  • Parade participation including pulling the trailer riding in the trailer or walking along 

  • Provide signs for volunteers to carry

  • Create a theme and set up a booth for local fairs and events

  • Recruit and manage volunteers for events

  • Be a greeter at events 

  • Plan and carry out post card writing 

  • Plan and carry out door knocking

Heavy Lifters

This group is responsible for sign pick-up, delivery, and placement, helping with event booth setup and teardown and parade float maintenance.  Activities include but are not limited to:

  • Deliver and place signs

  • Recruit and manage volunteers to help with sign delivery and placement 

  • Set up and tear down the booth for local fairs and events

  • Parade float maintenance 

Committee Chair Responsibilities

To be productive, each committee needs a Committee Chair who will set the committee goals and ensure their committee accomplishes their objectives. All the Committee Chairs will work together to ensure that all the committees align and have all the tools they need to accomplish Chisago-Isanti DFL goals.

Committee Chairs should also provide an update at the Chisago-Isanti DFL monthly meeting. 

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