Event Submission Request

"*" indicates required fields

The event title should be a concise, yet descriptive, title for your event.
The description of your event should include a description of what your event is, where it will be held at, and any other information you want attendees to know about your event.
Date of your event
Enter in the date your event will take place. If this is a multi-date event, please add that in the comments section below.
Start Time for Event:
Enter in the start time for your event.
End Time for Event:
Enter in the ending time for your event.
Enter in the name of the venue your location will be held at.
Address for location of Event:
Enter in the address for the venue or location of your event. This should be the address that attendees can use to navigate to your event.
Use this field to add the website for the event, or venue where the event will be held.
Enter in the name of the organizer of the event, or the group organizing the event. This will be the contact information for the event.
Enter in the phone number of the contact person, or organization, for the event.
Enter in the email address of the contact person, or organization, for the event.
Enter in the amount for admission, or tickets, to the event. If there is a website they can purchase tickets online, make sure that information is included.
Event Category:
Select the category for the event. This will help people who use the search option to find similar events on the events calendar. Select all categories that apply to your event.
Photos/Logos/Flyers for the Event:
If you have a photo, logo, or flyer for the event, please check the appropriate box below.